Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Looking to Get Hired? 7 Things to Ensure Your Employment

Feel like you are wasting all day searching for jobs? You're not alone. The majority of job seekers are constantly looking for the most effective methods to help them secure their dream job. Below are 7 tips to help facilitate your job search. This is advice that will reduce the frustration often associated with job searching, by helping you maximize your efforts and time to the fullest degree. Get the job you want....Today!

Personalize Your Resume and Cover Letter

Are you sending out dozens of employment materials (e.g. cover letters and resumes) to potential employers? Slow down. Making the extra effort to customize your cover letter and resume will make a HUGE difference. Employers receive hundreds of resumes a day; make yourself stand out from the rest by tailoring your resume and cover letter to the particular position. For example, if you're applying for an Internet marketing position give your ICT and marketing experience the top position on your resume.

Don't do it alone.

Networking is underrated. Do not hesitate to contact friends, family and past colleagues about possible leads. All of them have networks of their own, resulting in an instantaneous expansion of your connections. Do not be bashful or shy that you are searching for a job. Let your contacts know that you are on the job market.

Multiply your search efforts

If you have been searching for jobs via the Internet job directories to no avail then seek out other job search platforms. The newspaper is still a reliable source. Friends and family, trade shows, etc. are also great places to find job leads. The more you diversify your job search the more chances you are going to find the right employers. This brings us to our next point.

Preparation is essential

You only get one chance to make a good 1st impression. Research the company's website for background information, their products, work environment and goals. Also, be ready to answer those typical interview questions (e.g. what are your biggest strengths and weaknesses).

Dress and act the part

It is always better to be overdressed than underdressed. Depending on the industry, a business suit is always appropriate for any interview. Wear the best professional outfit you own.

Listen more than you talk

Almost everyone gets nervous in an interview, which can lead to rambling and mumbling. By using your ears not your voice, you can gain valuable insight into the company structure and limit the chances you might say something you will regret. The only exception to this rule is when they ask if you have any questions at the end of the interview. Be sure to have several questions for the interviewer prepared ahead of time, thus allowing you to show your knowledge and interest in the company.

Patience and persistence

Typically, job seekers take 3-10 months to find the right job. Keep pursuing. Your dream job is waiting for you to find it.